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    March 7, 2021
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The West Virginia Jobs Act ensures local workers are hired on state-funded, public WHO'S WORKING ON YOUR DIME projects. But some lawmakers are trying to gut the Jobs Act and allow contractors to hide from taxpayers who is getting paid with YOUR tax dollars. The WV Jobs Act not only assures local workers get local jobs; it also helps catch companies who don't pay their taxes. AND COSTING US LOCAL JOBS? SB 370 HIDES IMPORTED WORKERS ON STATE FUNDED PROJECTS BAG SB 370 - KEEP THE WEST VIRGINIA JOBS ACT! TANSTRICTION AFL CIO WEST STATE VIRCINIA Pajd for by West Virginia State Building and Construction Trades Council COUNCIL TRADES The West Virginia Jobs Act ensures local workers are hired on state-funded, public WHO'S WORKING ON YOUR DIME projects. But some lawmakers are trying to gut the Jobs Act and allow contractors to hide from taxpayers who is getting paid with YOUR tax dollars. The WV Jobs Act not only assures local workers get local jobs; it also helps catch companies who don't pay their taxes. AND COSTING US LOCAL JOBS? SB 370 HIDES IMPORTED WORKERS ON STATE FUNDED PROJECTS BAG SB 370 - KEEP THE WEST VIRGINIA JOBS ACT! TANSTRICTION AFL CIO WEST STATE VIRCINIA Pajd for by West Virginia State Building and Construction Trades Council COUNCIL TRADES